The K's were introduced to Mr. Wiggle last week with Mr. Wiggle's Library, so this week they encountered him again in Mr. Wiggle's Book, a short rhyming story about a person who was not responsible with his book - there are rips, crayon drawings, holes, and spills, all of which were received by appropriate gasps!
When the kindergarteners promised they would NEVER treat a book that way, I pulled out the Box of Broken Books - books returned with bite marks, crayon drawings, water damage, and juice spills. Oh no! Again they are aghast that this has happened AT OUR SCHOOL, and are eager to prove that they can be more responsible with their own books.
For one more demonstration of how NOT to care for a book, we watch the absolutely amazing Don't Let the Pigeon Touch the Books! They LOVED this video and every class begged to watch it again. I pulled out our stuffed Pigeon, and we talked about all the things the pigeon did wrong - it's a long list!
After all that discussion on how to treat books like friends, they were ready to pick their first books! I don't let Ks pull from the shelves right away; I want a little bit more control over what they're choosing, since we haven't talked yet about how to choose a just-right book and the sections of the library. Instead, I reserve a cart of picture books and pull a good selection of picture books that are reserved just for them- I just pull them in alphabetical order, so the first week tends to just be A-C.
I pulled the students by table to make their selection and check it out at the computer. During this time, the rest of the students were coloring a book care reminder paper, but for next year, I think it should be a pigeon-related coloring page. Something along the lines of "Can I touch the books...?" and drawing something that the pigeon was doing? Must think on this for next year!
Finally, after everyone had made their selections, we (in most classes -some ran out of time, and we even had a fire drill in the middle of kindergarten specials! Whose idea was that?!?) headed back to the carpet and played "Is Mr. Wiggle happy or sad?" I chose a student to hold each poster, and read a line about something someone may have done with a library book - read in the bathtub, returned the book on time, used a bookmark, and so on - and they signaled whether Mr. Wiggle would be happy or sad about that behavior.
I've also heard the words "book bully" and "book lover", which I might use next year instead of Mr. Wiggle, but I'm not sure if I love throwing the word "bully" around so freely.
We'll see whether they remember their books next week - and hopefully they're all in perfect condition!
I pulled the students by table to make their selection and check it out at the computer. During this time, the rest of the students were coloring a book care reminder paper, but for next year, I think it should be a pigeon-related coloring page. Something along the lines of "Can I touch the books...?" and drawing something that the pigeon was doing? Must think on this for next year!

We'll see whether they remember their books next week - and hopefully they're all in perfect condition!
First Grade
These kiddos have a year under their belt of caring for books, so I'm hoping they are old pros this year! We started with a reminder of what can happen to books when we don't care for them: the Box of Broken Books. Gasps! Sobs! Awe!
Then our read-aloud: What Happened to Marion's Book? A great read about a hedgehog who LOVES books, but doesn't know how to take care of them - after she spills jam on her library book while reading at the breakfast table (oh no!), she goes through all sorts of mistakes and hijinks to try to fix it. The kids laughed at her mistakes and promised they could do better!

Since I didn't show the Pigeon video last year while they were in kindergarten, I showed it to my first graders, too. Next year I think it's a better fit for K, but the first graders loved it, too!

Then we selected books, again from two carts I'd pulled of easy readers and picture books. I hadn't reminded them of how to find just-right books, so I was hesitant to set them free through the library. However, I'm not sure if I'd do that again - they were pretty disappointed to be limited to only two carts. We'll see how we do next year! I did checkout the same way I did with kindergarten - I pulled tables while the rest of the class colored book care reminder bookmarks.
How do you teach book care?
Since I didn't show the Pigeon video last year while they were in kindergarten, I showed it to my first graders, too. Next year I think it's a better fit for K, but the first graders loved it, too!

Then we selected books, again from two carts I'd pulled of easy readers and picture books. I hadn't reminded them of how to find just-right books, so I was hesitant to set them free through the library. However, I'm not sure if I'd do that again - they were pretty disappointed to be limited to only two carts. We'll see how we do next year! I did checkout the same way I did with kindergarten - I pulled tables while the rest of the class colored book care reminder bookmarks.
How do you teach book care?
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